Home > Products > Innealan bathar-cruaidh > Sreath Spander > Innealan làimhe a ghabhas atharrachadh STORME COMPER HORY HORY HORTS
  • Innealan làimhe a ghabhas atharrachadh STORME COMPER HORY HORY HORTS
  • Innealan làimhe a ghabhas atharrachadh STORME COMPER HORY HORY HORTS
  • Innealan làimhe a ghabhas atharrachadh STORME COMPER HORY HORY HORTS
  • Innealan làimhe a ghabhas atharrachadh STORME COMPER HORY HORY HORTS

Innealan làimhe a ghabhas atharrachadh STORME COMPER HORY HORY HORTS

$1.5 - 1.87 /Piece/Pieces
  • Tuairisgeul an toraidh
Buadhan toraidh

Modal Àir.Sink wrench




Brand NameYaou

Model NumberYo-Lq-001

StuthStàilinn gualain

Ainm batharHalf-Moon Type Wrench

PackingPlastic Box


ColourRed And Yellow


LogoCustomized Logo Acceptable


Place Of OriginJiangsu, China

Warranty Period3 Years

Tighead1 1 / 8in

Comas Greim2in

An Comas Torraich As àirde2000lb-ft

Thoir Taic Do GhnàthachadhOEM, ODM, OBM

Àite OriginSìona

Comas Solarachaidh & Fiosrachadh a bharr...

Pacadha rèir iarrtas luchd-ceannach



Àite TùsSìona

Comas Solarachaidh1000

Còd HS8205590000


Seòrsa PàighidhL/C,T/T


Pacadh & Lìbhrigeadh
Aonadan reic:
Seòrsa pacaid:
a rèir iarrtas luchd-ceannach
Eisimpleir dealbh:

Multifunctional wrench pipe plier

The sink wrench is an accessory of the sink. The sink wrench is suitable for screwing some screws with corners that are not easy to reach or where the general wrench can't reach.

 bathroom wrench
 bathroom wrench
 bathroom wrench
Detailed Images

Clamping range
6-22mm   ;  22-32mm
good quality

carbon steel

In addition, our company also sells claw hammer,Electric Winches,Electric Hammer,Cutting Tools,Garden Tools,Combination Tools.Please feel free to contact us if you need.

 bathroom wrench
 bathroom wrench
 bathroom wrench

Ceistean Cumanta
Q1. How to get an accurate quotation?
A1: The customer should provide the related technical requirements, drawings, pictures, industrial voltage, planned output,
Q2. What if I use this machine for the first time and know nothing of it ?
A2: We will have our engineers teach you how to operate it,you can just inform us some details of the product you need then we can customize as your special order.
Q3. How does your factory do regarding quality control?
A3: We has been regard quality as the priority. We always attach great importance to quality controlling from the very beginning to the very end ,so our press can match all the CE and ISO standard also more strict standard .
Q4. How about your delivery time?
A4: Generally, it will take 35 working days after receiving your deposit payment. The specific delivery time depends on the items and the quantity of your order. Sometimes we have standard machines in stock.
Q5. What is the warrantee period of the machine?
A5: We can supply 1 year warranty for our machines, We can send engineer to customer place if big quality problem. We can provide internet or calling service at any time.
Q6. after-sales service
A6: 1. Installation:Free installation and commissioning, travel expense is on foreign customer.(Including round ticket and
accommodation cost)
2. Personnel training: Our engineers will give your employees free machine training when they come to your company to assemble the machines, and welcome to our factory to learn how to operate our machineQ1. How to get an accurate quotation? .

Roinn-seòrsa bathair : Innealan bathar-cruaidh > Sreath Spander


Rugao yauu Mountain & Everport Co. Ltd Chaidh Co. Ltd a stèidheachadh ann an 2004, a bha na chosnadh malairt as tràithe le taic làidir le Ministrealachd malairt chèin agus co-obrachadh eaconamach.

Tro na deich bliadhna a dh 'fhalbh, tha a' chompanaidh againn mu thràth air a bhith a 'co-obrachaidh domhainn a rèir solaraichean dachaigheil a' sgrùdadh uidheamachd ola agus seacaid mhòr ainmeil mar CNPC agus Sinopec. Tha a 'chompanaidh againn cuideachd ag obrachadh innealan bathar-cruaidh agus tha iad air dàimhean co-obrachail fad-ùine agus seasmhach a stèidheachadh le mòran de luchd-reic. Rugao yauu in-mhalairt & às-mhalairt tha Co. Ltd air earbsa ar luchd-ceannach a chosnadh agus prionnsapal nan feartan obrachaidh ioma-iomadachd agus prothaid bheag agus tionndadh luath. Tlachd a ghabhail air suidheachadh àrd am measg luchd-cleachdaidh. Bidh na toraidhean a rinn a 'chompanaidh a thagh a' chuirp a-mach don Roinn Eòrpa, Ameireagaidh, Afraga a Tuath agus Roinnean Euterse, oir thall thairis. Toraidhean a 'mhòr-chuid de na bu chòir: drileadh rig, a' drileadh uidheamachd a 'drileadh, siostam smachd cruaidh, uidheamachd chailleach, innealan iasgaich, innealan leeasachaidh. Tha na riochdachaidhean uile taobh a-staigh inbhe API agus ùghdarraichte le Iso9001 : 2000.

Teisteanas cinneasachaidh
Home > Products > Innealan bathar-cruaidh > Sreath Spander > Innealan làimhe a ghabhas atharrachadh STORME COMPER HORY HORY HORTS
Post-d chun na solaraiche seo
  • *Cuspair:
  • *Gu:
    Mr. cnntyaou
  • *Post-d:
  • *Brath:
    Feumaidh do theachdaireachd a bhith eadar 20-8000 caractar
Cuir rannsachadh




Mar dèidhinn


Cuiridh sinn fios thugaibh gu bheil thu dìreach a 'faighinn a-steach

Lìon a-steach barrachd fiosrachaidh gus am faigh thu fios thugad nas luaithe

Aithris Prìobhaideachd: Tha do phrìobhaideachd glè chudromach dhuinne. Tha a 'chompanaidh againn a' gealltainn gun a bhith a 'foillseachadh do fhiosrachadh pearsanta do cheadan soilleir.
